The Battle Continues…

The Battle Continues… Do you see what is happening inside the United States? Do you see what is happening around the world? Do you have any idea what is going on? The Battle Between Good And Evil, and the Prophesied EndTimes are now upon US. The facts speak for themselves, but many of you are falling for the lies and deceptions that are being pushed upon you. The facts are simple and here are some of them.

The magnetic field of the Sun is shifting/reversing. This is not a fantasy and it is occurring now. The magnetic field of the Earth is shifting/reversing also.

The Magnetic Field Is Shifting. The Poles May Flip. This Could Get Bad.

The weakening magnetic field is causing the glaciers and icecaps to melt, and the surface of the Earth has shifted as the Sun and Moon rising and setting in different spots confirms. The increase in moisture creates a further blanket to increased radiation from the Sun from reaching the surface of Earth. The bad part is that the shift has caused the jet streams that control our weather to shift also. The severe weather we are experiencing, will only increase as more moisture enters the atmosphere, and the sea levels slowly rise. The increases in volcanic activity and earthquakes are also part of this celestial event.

Manmade climate change is a hoax and a lie. The problems the World is facing are Natural and Not caused by Man. The Volcanoes, Greenhouse gases trapped in the melting Ice, and Forest fires around the World are putting more into the atmosphere than anything else. I find the Lies and Deceptions being circulated, to be a gimmick to promote the Solar and Wind Industries. Solar is ineffective due to the fact that it does NOT produce a constant energy rate 24/7/365. Output is dramatically reduced due to clouds, and non existent at night. Wind is ineffective due the fact that it does NOT produce a constant energy rate 24/7/365. Output is non existent when the Wind does Not blow and when the wind is too strong for the propellers safely spin. Technologies are coming out that work 24/7/365.

These technologies are 24/7/365 and once started can run without fuel. Why are these Not being proposed as replacement for fuel driven technologies?

Energy Generation.

The Next step in technology development is using light as electricity. This can be developed to reach the Stars/Heaven. The time has come to prove if you are an intelligent species or just a species that mimics intelligence. The next few years will prove this. Use it wisely.

I call this new technology the photon coil. The theory behind it is:

Light or other electromagnetic radiation can be inserted into a continuous loop of reflective tubing (fiber optic glass rods are one example) causing it to become trapped. This allows it to become concentrated and usable.

fig 1

I believe if used in a coil-like fashion this will produce a field whether this is a magnetic, electrical, or as yet unknown field such as antigravity, is yet to be determined.

fig 2

I believe if used in a loop fashion this will produce highly concentrated pulses that may be used in applications similar to those of lasers.

Fig 3

The photon coil in Fig 3 is a simple application and consists of four parts.

1. A light or electromagnetic radiation source. This can be as simple as a light bulb or a penlight laser or as complicated as microwave or cosmic ray generators.

2. A coupler that allows the light to enter the photon coil but not to escape it. This can be made of many different materials such as the glass used in the making of fiber optic cables, polished aluminum tubing, or new age plastics or metals.

3. An ejector that allows the controlled ejection of the concentrated light. This can be as simple as modifying a coupler with a rotating mirror or as complicated as using special refraction technologies.

4. A length of material for the coil or loop. This will probably be the same material as the coupler. The length is dependent on the application and the limitations of the material. The following should be evidence enough as to the reasons I have not attempted to build this. The formula to figure out the concentration factor per second is as follows:


The time in seconds the light is applied multiplied by the answer in the above equation provides the concentration factor. The concentration factor multiplied by the lumens or rate of photons produced by the light source will give you the number of photons being ejected given all the photons in the coil are allowed to be ejected. (note: a long coil with a mirror rotating very fast would not allow all the photons to escape, therefore causing the next pulse to be more concentrated than the first. Caution must be used or the photons could become great enough to go beyond the capacity of the material.) Here are some of the concentration factors at various lengths using 186,000 miles per second as the speed of light.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 1 foot equals a concentration of 982,080,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 10 feet equals a concentration of 98,208,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 100 feet equals a concentration of 9,820,800 times per second of time applied.

I hope you can now see why I am reluctant to attempt building and testing this technology. Here is an example, the light source is a light bulb that puts out 1,000,000 photons per second, and the length of the coil is 100 feet. The time applied is 10 seconds. The 1,000,000 photons per second multiplied by the 10 seconds applied equals 10,000,000 photons. As seen above the concentration is 9,820,800 times. The original light had a distance of 98 feet between the photons and now has a small fraction of an inch. 10,000,000 photons now share a pulse the length of 100 feet and their concentration is 98,208,000 times the original light. Those of you with any science background will note that the light source in the example is weaker than any star seen in the sky with the naked eye. This example was given to show one possibility of this new technology. The seeing farther than we ever have before.

I have now shown you the basics of this new technology and I hope I have done so in terms the common layman can comprehend. The following applications are only possible if our concept of photons is true. We have all learned in physics that photons act as a wave in some applications and as a particle in other applications, but what is a photon?

Fig 4

In Fig 4 you see a photon traveling through space as a particle having spin giving it electric and magnetic fields. I know this diagram will have many in an uproar but it is an accurate depiction of a particle of light.

The reason I have shown a photon as such is so you can understand the applications I am about to disclose to you. As you know infrared light has a lower frequency and ultraviolet has a higher frequency. Light with a higher frequency has a shorter wavelength than that of lower frequency. The length and width of the coil may be adjusted to accommodate and fine tune to desired wavelength or frequency.

The application in fig 5 is a possible means of using light to create electricity. As you can see, this device would work similar to an electrical transformer. Photons are injected into the photon coil at C, and upon reaching point D are directed back to the beginning of the coil at point E. An electrically conductive coil is placed between the loops of the photon coil and due to inductance an electric current is produced across points A and B.

It is envisioned that the frequency of the injected photons would also be reproduced on the conductive coil allowing electrical devices such as computers, radio, radar, etc. to operate at these higher frequencies.

In the following diagram you see twin coils with photon flows in opposite directions. Photons are injected at points A and B. The coils will fill with photons and produce magnetic fields that will cancel each other, which may cancel the affects of gravity on the object. This can not be tested with ordinary electromagnetic coils because they are too heavy and the concentration of electrons is limited. You will also notice points G and H. These are rotating mirrors fully reflective on one side and transparent on the other side. They allow the transfer of photons from one coil to the other, thereby allowing rapid changes in the fields. When a rapid change is made in the field, I envision the ability to attract or repel the object from another object such as Earth which also possesses a magnetic field. At points I to J and points K to L I am showing the avenues of transfer between the coils. At points C to E and points D to F I am showing the returns that complete the coils making them continuous loops. Please note that if this application is attempted I advise the device being placed inside a vacuum. It is possible that fusion may occur if any matter is in the center of this device. This is the heart of my envisioned starship. Please use it for the good of humanity.

Fig 6 Heart of a starship

The ability to manipulate particles of higher energies and frequencies is required to advance technology and science. Use it wisely, or you can destroy yourselves. The atomic bomb was part of your last development, and you still suffer from the threat of it being used again. Fusion, Antigravity, and many other advances begin with this technology.

God/Allah/Yahweh has given you many prophets and prophecies over the ages. The teachings have been twisted and manipulated by your religious leaders to make it appear that God/Allah/Yahweh is Not the same God, or that your teachings are more true than those of the other religions. Know this, that God/Allah/Yahweh, is the God of Abraham, and the Ruler of Heaven and Earth. He is Immortal, and Not a Spirit. The Kingdom of Heaven is at Least, part of the Milkyway Galaxy, if not all the Universe. He has Lived at Least, many thousands of years, if not billions of years. The knowledge, intelligence, and technological development, that God/Allah/Yahweh has obtained, is so far ahead of ours that we have no way of ever overcoming or advancing beyond it. God/Allah/Yahweh could destroy any or all of us at will. A single UFO can destroy all of us, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. We should praise God/Allah/Yahweh for his patience and mercy in dealing with us. God/Allah/Yahweh has a plan for us and he has disclosed that plan through his prophets, and angels. The signs for the EndTimes are now here. The Sun and Moon rising and setting in different locations is the last sign required. The last message to us from the ‘aliens’ was that the magnetic poles were going to shift. The climate change that we are now experiencing is the prelude to this event. God/Allah/Yahweh is going to save some of us soon, and this is known as the first harvest. After that, the remaining of us, will experience the prophesied plaques, and be given the chance to change, and become worthy of Heaven. God/Allah/Yahweh has told us that he will reward his faithful children, with Immortality, free of disease and pain, free from EVIL, and given access to God/Allah/Yahweh’s vast knowledge and guidance. Those of you who believe you will enter Heaven in death, had better read and understand your Holy Texts. Those of you who believe that you shall be given riches and rewards such as gold, silver, slaves, and virgins, are completely out of touch with reality. We have all been tasked with developing ourselves and guiding our fellow humans to do the same. We are all tasked with seeking the truth and spreading the truth. The EVIL people on our world have been spreading Lies and Deceptions to make you do wrong according to the teachings of God/Allah/Yahweh and to mislead you into false beliefs. Ignorance is EVIL and believing others without verifying Truth makes you Ignorant. Learn to read and write, and read the holy Texts of all the religions created by God/Allah/Yahweh. You will learn the True Teachings and Messages of God/Allah/Yahweh and will be able to make him proud of you and yourself worthy of Heaven and the promised gifts. God/Allah/Yahweh Punish And Destroy The Evil That Misleads Us And Guide Us To Be Worthy Of Heaven.

Reports of UFO in the Past.

Reports of UFO in the Past. I thought it would interesting to show this PDF from a 1960’s report on UFOs. These craft are estimated to accelerate at over 100 g and have speeds of 19.000 mph and faster. They have no fins and in many cases have no plumes and are soundless. They are able to make maneuvers that defy aerodynamics of aircraft by reversing direction, making 90 degree turns, hovering in place, and traveling straight up at incredible speed. These are not the Nazi craft that were created during World War 2, and they display capabilities that are impossible even today. I want you to know that these reports are from a time before cellphones, computers, and smartphones. Do your research and realize that we are Not alone and have never been alone.

ufo NEDownload

The Time has come for Humanity to Advance and to begin on the path to creating craft that can travel to other stars. The EndTimes are upon Us and its time to grow up. God/Allah/Yahweh allows these craft to visit Earth and makes sure they do not interfere with his plans. The crafts that comprise the Army of Heaven are much more powerful and lethal than any of these research and observation crafts that have been observed.

The Time has come to Advance and Judgement will occur soon so the EVIL of Humanity do not enter Heaven.

Technology, Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh.

Blessing From God/Allah/Yahweh. The following is what you need to advance, and to bring Heaven to Earth after these EndTimes. From God/Allah/Yahweh to the People of Earth via Michael, the great prince. Use it wisely.

I call this new technology the photon coil. The theory behind it is:

Light or other electromagnetic radiation can be inserted into a continuous loop of reflective tubing (fiber optic glass rods are one example) causing it to become trapped. This allows it to become concentrated and useable.

fig 1

I believe if used in a coil-like fashion this will produce a field whether this is a magnetic, electrical, or as yet unknown field such as antigravity, is yet to be determined.

fig 2

I believe if used in a loop fashion this will produce highly concentrated pulses that may be used in applications similar to those of lasers.

Fig 3

The photon coil in Fig 3 is a simple application and consists of four parts.

1. A light or electromagnetic radiation source. This can be as simple as a light bulb or a penlight laser or as complicated as microwave or cosmic ray generators.

2. A coupler that allows the light to enter the photon coil but not to escape it. This can be made of many different materials such as the glass used in the making of fiber optic cables, polished aluminum tubing, or new age plastics or metals.

3. An ejector that allows the controlled ejection of the concentrated light. This can be as simple as modifying a coupler with a rotating mirror or as complicated as using special refraction technologies.

4. A length of material for the coil or loop. This will probably be the same material as the coupler. The length is dependent on the application and the limitations of the material. The following should be evidence enough as to the reasons I have not attempted to build this. The formula to figure out the concentration factor per second is as follows:


The time in seconds the light is applied multiplied by the answer in the above equation provides the concentration factor. The concentration factor multiplied by the lumens or rate of photons produced by the light source will give you the number of photons being ejected given all the photons in the coil are allowed to be ejected. (note: a long coil with a mirror rotating very fast would not allow all the photons to escape, therefore causing the next pulse to be more concentrated than the first. Caution must be used or the photons could become great enough to go beyond the capacity of the material.) Here are some of the concentration factors at various lengths using 186,000 miles per second as the speed of light.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 1 foot equals a concentration of 982,080,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 10 feet equals a concentration of 98,208,000 times per second of time applied.

982,080,000 feet per second divided by 100 feet equals a concentration of 9,820,800 times per second of time applied.

I hope you can now see why I am reluctant to attempt building and testing this technology. Here is an example, the light source is a light bulb that puts out 1,000,000 photons per second, and the length of the coil is 100 feet. The time applied is 10 seconds. The 1,000,000 photons per second multiplied by the 10 seconds applied equals 10,000,000 photons. As seen above the concentration is 9,820,800 times. The original light had a distance of 98 feet between the photons and now has a small fraction of an inch. 10,000,000 photons now share a pulse the length of 100 feet and their concentration is 98,208,000 times the original light. Those of you with any science background will note that the light source in the example is weaker than any star seen in the sky with the naked eye. This example was given to show one possibility of this new technology. The seeing farther than we ever have before.

I have now shown you the basics of this new technology and I hope I have done so in terms the common layman can comprehend. The following applications are only possible if our concept of photons is true. We have all learned in physics that photons act as a wave in some applications and as a particle in other applications, but what is a photon?

Fig 4

In Fig 4 you see a photon traveling through space as a particle having spin giving it electric and magnetic fields. I know this diagram will have many in an uproar but it is an accurate depiction of a particle of light.

The reason I have shown a photon as such is so you can understand the applications I am about to disclose to you. As you know infrared light has a lower frequency and ultraviolet has a higher frequency. Light with a higher frequency has a shorter wavelength than that of lower frequency. The length and width of the coil may be adjusted to accommodate and fine tune to desired wavelength or frequency.

The application in fig 5 is a possible means of using light to create electricity. As you can see, this device would work similar to an electrical transformer. Photons are injected into the photon coil at C, and upon reaching point D are directed back to the beginning of the coil at point E. An electrically conductive coil is placed between the loops of the photon coil and due to inductance an electric current is produced across points A and B.

It is envisioned that the frequency of the injected photons would also be reproduced on the conductive coil allowing electrical devices such as computers, radio, radar, etc. to operate at these higher frequencies.

In the following diagram you see twin coils with photon flows in opposite directions. Photons are injected at points A and B. The coils will fill with photons and produce magnetic fields that will cancel each other, which may cancel the affects of gravity on the object. This can not be tested with ordinary electromagnetic coils because they are too heavy and the concentration of electrons is limited. You will also notice points G and H. These are rotating mirrors fully reflective on one side and transparent on the other side. They allow the transfer of photons from one coil to the other, thereby allowing rapid changes in the fields. When a rapid change is made in the field, I envision the ability to attract or repel the object from another object such as Earth which also possesses a magnetic field. At points I to J and points K to L I am showing the avenues of transfer between the coils. At points C to E and points D to F I am showing the returns that complete the coils making them continuous loops. Please note that if this application is attempted I advise the device being placed inside a vacuum. It is possible that fusion may occur if any matter is in the center of this device. This is the heart of my envisioned starship. Please use it for the good of humanity.

Fig 6 Heart of a starship

God/Allah/Yahweh Brings Knowledge And Enlightenment At The Proper Times. Thanks And Praise To God/Allah/Yahweh.