Treatment For COVID 19 May Also Work For Common Flu? We see a lot of resistance from people in power, many claiming that this is putting people in danger of dying. The people are already in danger of dying, and here are some studies already done and/or underway. We think that the medical industry does not want this out because they make huge money from the common flu each year. If this works for COVID 19 then is it safe to say that it may work for the Common Flu? This may be the reason for their resistance, greed. Here are the studies and evidence.
If the treatment works for COVID 19, it may work for the Common Flu. If so, then we could see a steep decline in Common Flu deaths and hospitalizations. The People of the world may be able to see an end to 3-4 million deaths each year. This needs to be studied and pursued.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.
Please consider helping me keep these sites up and developing new technologies for you.
Tell The World. Here are the articles from present to past about COVID 19.
The Present COVID 19 Coronavirus pandemic has been tragic for the world. The virus did originate inside China, and with almost 1.5 billion people, they are seeing problems with their healthcare system, that they will have to address. China is still a country with much to learn, and though many do not approve of communism, they are still a rapidly advancing country. The United States, Russia, and China, are the only countries that have manned space programs. China is the new USSR, and instead of the threat of nuclear war, we have the threat of economical and technological warfare. The world is entering the prophesied EndTimes, and many in the world are going to find out that God-Allah-Yahweh is real and Not a spirit.
The COVID 19 Coronavirus can be treated with Chloroquine and Azithromycin, which should put the world through this pandemic rapidly now. Tell the world, so we can save lives, stop the pandemic, and restore normal lives to all of humanity.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.
Bayer has donated 3 million Chloroquine pills. Enough pills to treat over 200,000 patients. With only 20% of those infected, requiring any additional treatment, this should cover existing cases and near future cases adequately until further stocks can be obtained. Do NOT panic. If you are showing high fever and shortness of breath, you should contact your healthcare provider/primary physician/CDC Coronavirus hotline.
The US response is beyond adequate, and many would say, more than necessary. The response around the world and in the US, would make you think that someone just released an out of control biological weapon with no cure or effective treatment. You can see from the above articles that there is an effective treatment, and that a cure/vaccine is well under way to being developed. The American People should call their elderly often, making sure that they are okay and that they are loved and cared for. The social distancing and quarantine measures are meant to keep our elderly safe.
Translation by: Google Translate and edited by Ross Shulman, Cornell University MS '20
Recent guidelines from South Korea and China report that chloroquine is an effective antiviral therapeutic treatment against Coronavirus Disease 2019. Use of chloroquine (tablets) is showing favorable outcomes in humans infected with Coronavirus including faster time to recovery and shorter hospital stay. US CDC research shows that chloroquine also has strong potential as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against coronavirus in the lab, while we wait for a vaccine to be developed. Chloroquine is an inexpensive, globally available drug that has been in widespread human use since 1945 against malaria, autoimmune and various other conditions.
Chloroquine: C18H26ClN3
The U.S. CDC and World Health Organization have not published treatment measures against Coronavirus disease 2019 (“COVID-19”). Medical centers are starting to have issues with traditional protocols. Treatments, and ideally a preventative measure, are needed. South Korea and China have had significantly more exposure and time to analyze diagnostic, treatment and preventative options. The U.S., Europe and the rest of the world can learn from their experience. According to former FDA commissioner, board member of Pfizer and Illumina, Scott Gotlieb MD, the world can learn the most about COVID-19 by paying closest attention to the response of countries that have had significant exposure to COVID-19 before the U.S. and Europe.[1]
As per the U.S. CDC, “Chloroquine (also known as chloroquine phosphate) is an antimalarial medicine… Chloroquine is available in the United States by prescription only… Chloroquine can be prescribed for either prevention or treatment of malaria. Chloroquine can be prescribed to adults and children of all ages. It can also be safely taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers.”[2]
CDC research also shows that “chloroquine can affect virus infection in many ways, and the antiviral effect depends in part on the extent to which the virus utilizes endosomes for entry. Chloroquine has been widely used to treat human diseases, such as malaria, amoebiosis, HIV, and autoimmune diseases, without significant detrimental side effects.”[3]
The treatment guidelines of both South Korea and China against COVID-19 are generally consistent, outlining chloroquine as an effective treatment.
Specifically, according to the Korea Biomedical Review, in February 2020 in South Korea, the COVID-19 Central Clinical Task Force, composed of physicians and experts treating patients agreed upon treatment principles for patients with COVID-19.[4] In China, the General Office of the National Health Commission, General Office of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as a Multi-Center Collaborative Group of Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and Guangdong Provincial Health Comp and the China National Center for Biotechnology Development have established effective treatment measures based on human studies.[5]
According to their research (reported in Clinical Trials Arena),
“Data from the drug’s [chloroquine] studies showed ‘certain curative effect’ with ‘fairly good efficacy’ … patients treated with chloroquine demonstrated a better drop in fever, improvement of lung CT images, and required a shorter time to recover compared to parallel groups. The percentage of patients with negative viral nucleic acid tests was also higher with the anti-malarial drug… Chloroquine has so far shown no obvious serious adverse reactions in more than 100 participants in the trials… Chloroquine was selected after several screening rounds of thousands of existing drugs. Chloroquine is undergoing further trials in more than ten hospitals in Beijing, Guangdong province and Hunnan province.”[6]
Treatment Guidelines from South Korea[7]
According to the Korea Biomedical Review, the South Korean COVID-19 Central Clinical Task Force guidelines are as follows:
If patients are young, healthy, and have mild symptoms without underlying conditions, doctors can observe them without antiviral treatment;
If more than 10 days have passed since the onset of the illness and the symptoms are mild, physicians do not have to start an antiviral medication;
However, if patients are old or have underlying conditions with serious symptoms, physicians should consider an antiviral treatment. If they decide to use the antiviral therapy, they should start the administration as soon as possible:
… chloroquine 500mg orally per day.
As chloroquine is not available in Korea, doctors could consider hydroxychloroquine 400mg orally per day (Hydroxychloroquine is an analog of chloroquine used against malaria, autoimmune disorders, etc. It is widely available as well).
The treatment is suitable for 7 – 10 days, which can be shortened or extended depending on clinical progress.
Notably, the guidelines mention other antivirals as further lines of defense, including anti-HIV drugs.
Treatment Guidelines from China[8]
According to China’s Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan, 7th Edition, the treatment guidelines are as follows:
Treatment for mild cases includes bed rest, supportive treatments, and maintenance of caloric intake. Pay attention to fluid and electrolyte balance and maintain homeostasis. Closely monitor the patient’s vitals and oxygen saturation.
As indicated by clinical presentations, monitor the hematology panel, routine urinalysis, CRP, biochemistry (liver enzymes, cardiac enzymes, kidney function), coagulation, arterial blood gas analysis, chest radiography, and so on. Cytokines can be tested, if possible.
Administer effective oxygenation measures promptly, including nasal catheter, oxygen mask, and high flow nasal cannula. If conditions allow, a hydrogen-oxygen gas mix (H2/O2: 66.6%/33.3%) may be used for breathing.
Antiviral therapies:
… chloroquine phosphate (adult 18-65 years old weighing more than 50kg: 500mg twice daily for 7 days; bodyweight less than 50kg: 500mg twice daily for day 1 and 2, 500mg once daily for day 3 through 7) …
Additionally, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology and the Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission issued a report stating “Expert consensus on chloroquine phosphate for new coronavirus pneumonia: … clinical research results show that chloroquine improves the success rate of treatment and shortens the length of patient’s hospital stay.”[9] The report further goes on to cite research from the US CDC from 2005 as well as research from the University of Leuven University in Belgium regarding chloroquine’s effectiveness against SARS coronavirus at the cellular level.[10]
Like the South Korean guidelines, notably, other antivirals (e.g. anti-HIV drugs) are listed as further lines of defense. The most research thus far has been around chloroquine.
Chloroquine as a prophylactic (preventative) measure against COVID-19[11]
According to research by the US CDC, chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS coronavirus, both prophylactically and therapeutically. SARS coronavirus has significant similarities to COVID-19. Specifically, the CDC research was completed in primate cells using chloroquine’s well known function of elevating endosomal pH. The results show that “We have identified chloroquine as an effective antiviral agent for SARS-CoV in cell culture conditions, as evidenced by its inhibitory effect when the drug was added prior to infection or after the initiation and establishment of infection. The fact that chloroquine exerts an antiviral effect during pre- and post-infection conditions suggest that it is likely to have both prophylactic and therapeutic advantages.”
The study shows that chloroquine is effective in preventing SARS-CoV infection in cell culture if the drug is added to the cells 24 h prior to infection.
Prophylactic effect of chloroquine. Vero E6 cells pre-treated with chloroquine for 20 hrs. Chloroquine-containing media were removed and the cells were washed with phosphate buffered saline before they were infected with SARS-CoV (0.5 multiplicity of infection) for 1 h in the absence of chloroquine. Virus was then removed and the cells were maintained in Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) for 16–18 h in the absence of chloroquine. SARS-CoV antigens were stained with virus-specific HMAF, followed by FITC-conjugated secondary antibodies. (A) The concentration of chloroquine used is indicated on the top of each panel. (B) SARS-CoV antigen-positive cells at three random locations were captured by using a digital camera, the number of antigen-positive cells was determined, and the average inhibition was calculated. Percent inhibition was obtained by considering the untreated control as 0% inhibition. The vertical bars represent the range of SEM.
In the case of chloroquine treatment prior to infection, the impairment of terminal glycosylation of ACE2 may result in reduced binding affinities between ACE2 and SARS-CoV spike protein and negatively influence the initiation of SARS-CoV infection. The cell surface expression of under-glycosylated ACE2 and its poor affinity to SARS-CoV spike protein may be the primary mechanism by which infection is prevented by drug pretreatment of cells prior to infection.
In addition, the study also shows that chloroquine was very effective even when the drug was added 3–5 h after infection, suggesting an antiviral effect even after the establishment of infection.
Figure 2
Post-infection chloroquine treatment reduces SARS-CoV infection and spread. Vero E6 cells were seeded and infected as described for Fig. 1 except that chloroquine was added only after virus adsorption. Cells were maintained in Opti-MEM (Invitrogen) containing chloroquine for 16–18 h, after which they were processed for immunofluorescence. (A) The concentration of chloroquine is indicated on the top. (B) Percent inhibition and SEM were calculated as in Fig. 1B. (C) The effective dose (ED50) was calculated using commercially available software (Grafit, version 4, Erithacus Software).
When chloroquine is added after infection, it can rapidly raise the pH and subvert on-going fusion events between virus and endosomes, thus inhibiting the infection. When added after the initiation of infection, it likely affects the endosome-mediated fusion, subsequent virus replication, or assembly and release. Specifically, rapid elevation of endosomal pH and abrogation of virus-endosome fusion may be the primary mechanism by which virus infection is prevented under post-treatment conditions.
The US CDC study goes on to conclude that:
“The infectivity of coronaviruses other than SARS-CoV are also affected by chloroquine, as exemplified by the human CoV-229E [15]. The inhibitory effects observed on SARS-CoV infectivity and cell spread occurred in the presence of 1–10 µM chloroquine, which are plasma concentrations achievable during the prophylaxis and treatment of malaria (varying from 1.6–12.5 µM) [26] and hence are well tolerated by patients. Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiasis and human immunodeficiency virus is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV in cell culture.”
COVID-19 and Chloroquine: Mechanisms of Action[12]
COVID-19 in a single stranded, positive strain RNA virus with a protein shell and membrane. The genome is of the same sense of the mRNA. It goes through a lifecycle where incoming viral COVID genome has to become double stranded RNA and the new strand becomes the new strand for the new mRNA. There are significant similarities between COVID-19 and SARS coronavirus. Both COVID-19 and SARS-like coronaviruses have machinery for regulating their own replication and production of their proteins. Coronavirus depends on the breakdown of macromolecules such as proteins. Specifically, the virus depends on turning over the host proteins to trigger response for available building blocks to make their own proteins or nucleic acids. They break down due to low PH catalyzed by hydrolysis. Additionally, coronaviruses have non-structural proteins that are not part of the capsid (protein shell of the virus). These non-structural proteins are regulatory proteins that take over the host cell and suppress the immune system of the host (similar to HIV). Coronavirus can create growth factor like mechanisms (e.g. cytokines) to optimize the growth environment in the cell to favor it.
It is this part of the coronavirus’ replicative path that chloroquine inhibits. Notably, because of its nitrogen structure, chloroquine has the unique ability to get into cells and cross endosomal membranes. Once inside, nitrogens in chloroquine (and quinines in general) prevent acidification by absorbing a high amount of hydrogens that simply then interact with nitrogen and then chloroquine becomes positively charged – an ionic interaction which makes it harder for the endosome to become acidified. The result is a buffer that holds it at the higher pH and prevents it from becoming acidic enough to be functional. To summarize, because chloroquine has a multitude of extra nitrogens, once it crosses the membrane and enters an organelle, the organelle is prevented from reaching a lower pH. The organelle’s enzymes cannot work because the donor group will be a hydrogen ion, disabling the hydrolysis required for coronavirus replication. This means that all kinds of events in the cell are incapable of performing optimally, including viral replication.
Chloroquine’s entrance into the organelle likely constipates the whole system. An analogy is that the virus is like a garbage facility which has to break down and burn up the garbage and if it cannot, the garbage piles up and the city becomes paralyzed. This is likely the case for any virus, cancer cells or any other condition that is dependent on turning over the worn out or incorrectly synthesized proteins.
The UK has banned the export of Chloroquine[13]
As of February 26, 2020, the UK government has added chloroquine to the list of medicines that cannot be parallel exported from the UK. Chloroquine was never on this list before. This likely happened because of the growing body of evidence of chloroquine’s effectiveness against coronavirus.
China prioritizes internal use of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) including Chloroquine[14]
In early February, Chongqing Kangle Pharmaceutical was requested by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Consumption Division to promptly increase the manufacturing and production of the active pharmaceutical ingredients chloroquine phosphate despite slowed production during the Chinese New Year.
Key Risks and Tradeoffs
There has been massive de-stabilization of society due to COVID-19.
RNA viruses are subject to fairly high mutation rates as RNA based genomes do not copy themselves faithfully, thereby accumulating mutations quickly which can lead to failure of the virus (analogy: unaudited software code will often eventually fail due to a critical error) or can lead to a stronger mutation – which is likely what has happened in 2020 (when coronavirus “jumped” from animal to human; it is doubtful that this has occurred because of the use of chloroquine) as we have have two forms of COVID-19 (“more aggressive” and “less aggressive”). If the replication quality of RNA virus like coronavirus can be destabilized this will likely cause it to self destruct, but there is always the risk that the virus mutates to become more aggressive.
Treating COVID-19 with chloroquine, as is being done in South Korea and China does have the potential to lead to a mutation. The mutation can either be beneficial or harmful to humans. In this particular case, chloroquine is likely being used to destabilize the replication quality of COVID-19, providing significant potential for COVID-19 to self-destruct, which would likely bide more time for health systems worldwide to increase capacity and equipment as well as allow time for the public release of a vaccine. All precaution must be taken into account for the risk of escape where COVID-19 comes out stronger.
Chloroquine and its analogs has been manufactured and distributed at global scale since approximately 1945. While there has recently been a shortage of N95 protective masks, medical systems can adjust and dramatically increase the supply of chloroquine in the world. Chloroquine tablets and intravenous formulations are generic and easy to produce.
Chloroquine is a prescription drug. It can have side effects and has contraindications. One often cited side effect is chloroquine retinopathy, which can result in permanent vision loss after high cumulative doses of chloroquine. However, retinal damage is extremely rare in patients with a total dosage under 400g (dosage level only reached after years of treatment). Medical professionals must be consulted before use of chloroquine. Chloroquine tablets are readily available in the U.S. and have never been removed from the market. Intravenous chloroquine was taken off the market in the USA pre-2000 because of the absence of acute malarial infections in the USA – there was no use for the intravenous form. It can easily be brought back to the market.
Formulation Optimizations[17]
Tablet vs. Intravenous
Currently chloroquine is most widely administered in tablet form (chloroquine phosphate. While readily available, the issue is that when the tablet is ingested, it must be processed through the stomach and be taken up by the small intestine, for which then it enters the blood and subsequently the respiratory system. Because of the metabolism, this takes time and there is a loss of chloroquine delivery to the respiratory system (where COVID-19 replicates).
When chloroquine is used intravenously against malaria (chloroquine hydrochloride), it is being mainlined directly into the blood stream so that it is distributing around the body within seconds, likely encountering the virus faster and at a higher concentration in the respiratory system. Intravenous formulations are readily available and should be studied accordingly.
Further research should be carried out using chloroquine in nanoparticles and various fast, slow and sustained released formulations, as well as combinations of chloroquine and other molecules.
Repurposing other FDA approved drugs
As per Steve Schow PhD, Professor of Chemical and Systems Biology at Stanford University School of Medicine and Lead Advisor to Stanford’s SPARK Translational Research Program:
“There are a number of related isoquinoline and quinoline drug family members who might exhibit the same general acid neutralizing effects. In addition certain antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs are known to accumulate in lysosomes via this acid-base process and might be effective here if the doses needed aren’t too high.”[18]
New Molecular Entity: Chloroquine analogs with more nitrogens
The nitrogens in chloroquine and quinines in general prevent acidification by absorbing a high amount of hydrogens that then interact with nitrogen, and,in turn, transfer a positive charge to chloroquine. This ionic interaction makes it harder and harder for the endosome to become acidified, therefore disrupting viral replication. If more nitrogens are added, either by making extra branches of ionizable nitrogens or lengthening one of the chains by putting extra carbons and other nitrogens around it, this may have even greater effect. The key issue will be whether there is a heavy change in bioavailability – will the new molecule be able to enter the cell and reach the right place with similar efficiency.
Chloroquine can both prevent and treat malaria. Chloroquine can both prevent and treat coronavirus in primate cells (Figure 1 and Figure 2). According to South Korean and China human treatment guidelines, chloroquine is effective in treating COVID-19. Given chloroquine’s human safety profile and existence, it can be implemented today in the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world. Medical doctors may be reluctant to prescribe chloroquine to treat COVID-19 since it is not FDA approved for this use. The United States of America and other countries should immediately authorize and indemnify medical doctors for prescribing chloroquine to treat COVID-19. We must explore whether chloroquine can safely serve as a preventative measure prior to infection of COVID-19 to stop further spread of this highly contagious virus.
More Sources
Griffero-Diaz’s F. , Hoschander SA , Brojatsch J .Endocytosis IS A Critical entry in STEP B of subgroup Avian leukosis viruses[J].J Virology,2003,76(24):12866-12876.The DOI: 10.1128 / jvi.76.24. 12866-12876.2002 .
Rodrigo D , Luiza H , Paula P , et al .Chloroquine, an Endocytosis Blocking Agent, Inhibits Zika Virus Infection in Different Cell Models[J].Viruses,2016,8(12):322-.DOI: 10.3390 / v8120322 .
Zhang S , Yi C , of Li C , et Al .Chloroquine inhibits the endosomal Viral an RNA Release and autophagy in-dependent Viral Replication and Effectively Prevents CARE OF to Fetal Transmission of Zika Virus. [J] Antiviral Res.2019;169:104 547. The DOI: 10.1016 /j.antiviral.2019.104547
Kono M , Tatsumi K , Imai AM , et al .Inhibition of human coronavirus 229E infection in human epithelial lung cells (L132) by chloroquine: involvement of p38 MAPK and ERK[J].Antiviral Res,2008,77(2):150-152.DOI: 10.1016 / j.antiviral.2007.10.011 .
Didier Raoult, et. al. , Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
Available online 4 March 2020,!
Next Steps from the Community
1Disseminate this publication amongst the medical community. Get more feedback. 2Send this publication to your scientific contacts in South Korea and China – lets get more data, details, etc. Science never ends. 3Translate this paper into all languages. 4Explore all options for use of chloroquine against any medical condition that depends on the turnover of worn out or incorrectly synthesized proteins.
Special thanks to Stanford University School of Medicine, SPARK Translational Research Program, Steve Schow, PhD, The Lab of Louise T. Chow, PhD and Thomas R. Broker, PhD, Bruce Bloom DDS, JD of HealX and Adrian Bye.
Due to urgency, certain parts of this publication are taken directly from their attributed source. Cite them accordingly.
In all other circumstances, the GNU General Public License v3.0 applies.
This white paper is for information purposes only. The authors and or its affiliates does not guarantee the accuracy of or the conclusions reached in this white paper, and this white paper is provided “as is”. The authors and or its affiliates not make and expressly disclaims all representations and warranties, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, whatsoever, including, but not limited to: (i) warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, suitability, usage, title or noninfringement; (ii) that the contents of this white paper are free from error; and (iii) that such contents will not infringe third-party rights. The authors and or its affiliates shall have no liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on this white paper or any of the content contained herein, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will the authors and or its affiliates be liable to any person or entity for any damages, losses, liabilities, costs or expenses of any kind, whether direct or indirect, consequential, compensatory, incidental, actual, exemplary, punitive or special for the use of, reference to, or reliance on this white paper or any of the content contained herein, including, without limitation, any loss of business, revenues, profits, data, use, goodwill or other intangible losses. All translations are done voluntarily by third-parties for which the authors have no affiliation – we do not attest to their accuracy.
[3] Vincent, Martin J et al. “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” Virology journal vol. 2 69. 22 Aug. 2005, doi:10.1186/1743-422X-2-69 , Savarino A, Boelaert JR, Cassone A, Majori G, Cauda R. Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today’s diseases? Lancet Infect Dis. 2003;3:722–727. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(03)00806-5.
[5] ; translated as ; Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Provisional 7th Edition)
translated as ; .
[6] . This research must be confirmed and furthermore ruled out that the subjects that had negative viral nucleic acid tests might not have been infected with C-19.
[8] Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (Provisional 7th Edition)translated as
[9] Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Department and Guangdong Provincial Health and Health Commission’s Multicenter Collaboration Group on Chloroquine Phosphate for New Coronavirus Pneumonia. Expert Consensus on Chloroquine Phosphate for New Coronavirus Pneumonia [J / OL]. Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Medicine, 2020,43 (2020-02-20) .http: //
[10] US CDC, Vincent MJ , Bergeron E , Benjannet S , et Al .Chloroquine IS A potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus Infection and Spread of[J].Virology Journal,2005,2(. 1):69.The DOI: 10.1186 / 1743-422X-2-69 . Keyaerts E , Vijgen L , Maes P , et Al .The In Journal Severe acute Inhibition of Respiratory syndrome coronavirus by chloroquine[J].Biochem Biophys Res Communications,2004,323(. 1):0-268.The DOI: 10.1016 / j.bbrc .2004.08.085 .
[11] All research from this section is from: US CDC, Vincent MJ , Bergeron E , Benjannet S , et Al .Chloroquine IS A potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus Infection and Spread of[J].Virology Journal,2005,2(. 1):69.The DOI: 10.1186 / 1743-422X-2-69
[12] All research from this section is from: , , , , Thomas R. Broker, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Telephone discussion March 12, 2020 , .
[15] All information in this section is from: , , , Thomas R. Broker, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine, Telephone discussion March 12, 2020.
How Stupid Can They Be? I see a world full of Idiots, who fail to understand themselves, others, their world, and the problems that will happen.
I wrote the following 30 years ago. The world has only advanced in computers, communications, and robotics.
Have you ever thought about the future? What will our world be like in 50 years, or 100 years?
Will it be a world of wonders, or a world of tragedy? — In the last 100 years, humanity has seen the following: — From horse drawn carriages to various powered automobiles. — From muskets to atomic weapons. — From viewing birds to traveling to the moon. — From small cities to cities populated by millions. — From a single radio station to worldwide communications networks. — From performing calculations on paper to super fast mega computers. The following problems have been created or increased: — Overpopulation. From less than 3 billion people to over 5 billion people. — Pollution. A steadily increasing problem that affects all of us. The air we breath is filled with contaminates and the oxygen we need to live is being depleted faster than it is being created. — Ignorance and Illiteracy. A large percentage of U.S.. residents can neither read nor write. The dropout rates at the high school level have steadily increased. College tuitions continue to increase to the point where many are denied higher education due to lack of funds or they must endure years of debt. — Crime, individual and organized. This is a steadily increasing problem due to economic times further stressed with overpopulation and a weak penal system that treats criminals better than the poverty stricken populace. — Taxes. Federal taxes were started during world war II. Federal and state taxes have steadily increased and the benefits provided by these taxes have decreased due to the allowing of the politicians and corporate heads to control the benefits according to personal whims. — Famine. With population increasing, our ability to grow enough food will begin to steadily decrease. With the over-fishing of our oceans we are steadily decreasing our future food sources, for when the fish run out the populace will have to consume more of the land grown and bred food sources. People are starving even in the U.S.. where obesity has become a major problem. — Lack of clean freshwater. In most areas of the world there is polluted and/or below standard water. The water in many areas has chemical, biological, and/or human/animal waste. — Lack of living space. Rents have steadily increased over the years and now that the economy is doing poorly, many people are being forced into the streets because their income has fallen yet the landlords and banks still expect to receive full payment. — Unemployment, lack of work. This is due to poor planning by world and business leaders, also overpopulation and lack of technological advancement. — Failing economy. Due to corruption of world and business leaders, and their poor judgment. Also, due to lack of new products and technologies. Oil, gas, and electricity are primary to many of the existing technologies today and the ones who control these products have done everything in their power to prevent the emergence of any technology that threatens to make their products obsolete, no matter how beneficial to humanity or the future. This is the world you know and live in. A world filled with many problems. War, hate, ignorance, corruption, greed, selfishness, lack of resources, and lack of caring. A world on the verge of self-destruction. A world where money and domination over others is cherished more than love and the welfare of others. I know times are tough and the problems we face will only grow worse before they get better. The problems need to be faced now because we do not have much time left to do so. The main problem humanity faces is overpopulation. There are only two solutions to this problem. The first is to kill off part of our population and implement strict birth control regulations. This is not acceptable and creates a way of thinking detrimental to the expansion of the human race. The second solution is to develop the technologies necessary for star travel and find a new world that we can relocate our excess population to. This is not possible with our present technologies. Time and resources do not exist to allow today’s technologies to solve our problem. In 50 years our population will nearly double again. The solution is to devise and develop new technologies that will allow time-efficient star travel and not cause rapid depletion of our resources. This new technology should also be pollution-free, so we can use it to clean up our world and provide better conditions for our people. We must also reform our present political, social, and economic systems.
Population in 2019 is 7.7 billion people.
This is the size of the rocket necessary to allow 3 people to travel to the moon and back. It still has not been improved.
This is the heavy lift vehicle today.
This is the reusable vehicle that was used in the 1980’s.
The International Space Station was assembled using these, and this is what it looks like today.
The International Space Station costs many billions of dollars and when you look at it, it is mostly solar panels and batteries, and then living and working quarters. This is considered our most advanced technology. This is sad.
These are your most effective future technologies that will lead you away from combustion and propulsion, and lead you to efficient star travel and space colonization. You think you are smart, but you are really stupid. You have been progressing at a very slow pace, and you are far from an advanced people.
I have known that God-Allah-Yahweh, Heaven, Aliens, UFOs, are all interrelated and all very real. You have no idea how advanced they are, and how easily they could conquer or destroy humanity and/or this earth.
Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you seen the history of UFOs? Have you ever read about the beginnings of religions, and encounters with beings from Heaven? Do your research, and learn to advance beyond your technologies of today. The time has come to advance to advance in field technology and advance to photons instead of electrons. You do NOT have much time left to do this. The Climate Change that you associate with Human Activity, is a celestial event involving the flipping of the magnetic poles of Earth. This was predicted/prophesied thousands of years ago in the various religions as the EndTimes, and the last message given to UFO abductees by Aliens. The predicted Judgement Day is coming and soon you shall rewarded or punished according to the works of your own hands. Save yourselves and your children by following what is taught as Righteous behavior.
CoronaVirus Danger To Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere is about to enter Spring, which means that Sunshine will cleanse the virus, as it does with Flu Virus every year. The Southern Hemisphere is about enter Fall, which means less Sunshine, and an increased lifespan of Flu Virus and others. The nations of the Southern Hemisphere should prepare for the CoronaVirus Danger because they are just about to enter their Flu Season.
Please note, as the seasons change in both hemispheres, allergies shall make people panic, thinking that have the CoronaVirus when their symptoms arise. This is inevitable, and should be expected, by government and healthcare organizations. Everyone with allergies should note if others around them that do not have allergies are showing the same symptoms, if they are, then they may wish to have all of them seek healthcare services. If they are not showing symptoms, then it should be safe to assume it is only your own allergies, and not the virus. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is more accurate, than in the Southern Hemisphere, because the North is leaving the Flu Season, where the South is just entering it.
We do not wish to cause panic, but must point this out, so proper planning can be made, and in the proper regions. Vaccines are being worked on, but as with everything else, it takes time. It is estimated that a vaccine will be approved for use and distributed for the Northern Hemisphere’s next Flu Season, which means after Sept 2020. The Greatest Threat will be to the Southern Hemisphere as it enters its Fall and Winter seasons. Prepare appropriately so the most lives can be saved.
This article should help everyone and prepare you with the best knowledge available at this time.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.
We Do Not Seek Pagan Worship. God-Allah-Yahweh has never allowed anyone to remember what he looks like. Various Prophets and Religious Leaders have been brought to Heaven, and have been brought before God-Allah-Yahweh, to receive Knowledge and Instruction. God-Allah-Yahweh is often described as sitting on a throne. When Adam and Eve were created, they hid from God-Allah-Yahweh, as he walked in the Garden of Eden, because they were naked. God-Allah-Yahweh was also known as the Ancient of Days, He With No Name, The Ruler of Heaven and Earth, The Immortal Living God, The Lord of Lords, The King of Kings, The Almighty God, and in other languages and cultures, he is known as God, Allah, and Yahweh. The Prophets, Saints, Archangels, Angels, and everything and everyone else in Heaven and Earth, are not to be worshiped.
I am seeing many people try to profit by selling items that are meant to invoke favor or protection, and they will not. Candles, oils, incenses, images, talismans, amulets, symbols, and even prayers to Prophets, Saints, Archangels, and Angels, will not gain favor or protection from God-Allah-Yahweh. Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me. Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image. This prayer to St Michael was created to remember the prophecies pertaining to him, not to worship him or invoke favor or protection.
This is the prayer we give you, that is more appropriate:
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.
God-Allah-Yahweh Created Michael to fulfill his prophecies. Michael is an instrument of Judgement, Justice, and Righteousness. Michael is doing his duties and responsibilities as prince, appointed by God-Allah-Yahweh. Michael is here now, and trying to save as many of humanity as possible. He was told he is a prince, and to find his way back to Heaven.
Remember to worship only God-Allah-Yahweh.
Remember Heaven is where we wish to enter.
The vehicles of Heaven have been with us for thousands of years.
The messengers and teachers.
The teachings of the religions.
The science and technology of the future.
Worship God-Allah-Yahweh and praise him for your creation and advancement. Obey the commandments of God-Allah-Yahweh, and seek knowledge and understanding so you can battle Satan-Devil-Lucifer by not being EVIL and ignorant in the ways of the righteous. No pagan product can help you more than proper prayer to God-Allah-Yahweh and obeying his commandments. You can remember the Prophets, Saints, Archangels, Angels, and other messengers, but never think they can invoke favor or protection. They are merely servants and followers of God-Allah-Yahweh. Remember:
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.