Quid Pro Quo. Hypocrisy by the EVIL Un-American Radical Globalists/Democrats/Liberals. Look at these examples of Quid Pro Quo and Corruption that they do NOT look into.

The Corruption of the Obama Administration has had many investigations that were rigged to show innocence when guilt is obvious. Such as Hillary Clinton Uranium One, Clinton Foundation Pay for Play, Mishandling of Classified Info, Obstruction of Investigations, Tampering/Destroying Evidence, and many other things. Check out all this Evidence and many other subjects on this website.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.
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9-11-01 Tribute Pictures.

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- CheckMate. 1
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- CheckMate. 3
- CheckMate. 4
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- Conspiracy To Take Down President Trump.
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- Cover Up. Evidence IS Missing.
- CrowdStrike, EVIL Ones Are In Panic.
- CrowdStrike, The Word The Evil Do Not Speak.
- Democrat Conspiracy.
- Democrat Party Seems To Act Like Communist Party.
- Democrats Claiming Victory Over Republicans.
- Democrats Setting Up Voter Fraud.
- Democrats? What should we call them?
- Destroying the USA from within.
- Do Your Research…
- Drain the Swamp that is Washington DC.
- Draining The Swamp.
- Due Process Still Denied.
- Evidence Cover Up !!!
- Evidence. See For Yourself…
- EVIL and HATE.
- Evil Found In The U.S.A.
- Evil Ones.
- Explain How You Can Hate President Trump !!??
- Failure To Uphold The United States Constitution.
- False Evidence Created False Investigation.
- FISA: Why Carter Page and NOT Paul Manafort ???
- Flooding in Texas region.
- Florida School Shooting.
- Follow The Law.
- For General Flynn.
- Foreign Army Crosses The Border.
- Genius or Insane???
- God Appointed President Trump As Part Of His Plan.
- God Bless The United States of America.
- God Help Florida.
- God-Allah-Yahweh Be Praised.
- God-Allah-Yahweh Save Your Righteous.
- God, Grant US Patience…
- God/Allah/Yahweh Grant US The Wall.
- God/Allah/Yahweh Is Destroying The Evil Ones !!!
- Government, for the People, by the People.
- Greatest threat to US democracy.
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- Happy Veterans Day.
- Harvey Cat 4 Hurricane
- Have You Noticed ???
- Heaven And Hell.
- Honest And True, President Trump.
- Hurricane Irma Category 5
- Hurricane Irma Update.
- Hypocrisy.
- Ignorance is True Evil. Enter a New Dark Age?
- Impeach Obama.
- Innocent Until Proven Guilty.
- Irma to be Worst Case Scenario.
- It Was A Set Up !!!
- Jeffrey Epstein Commits Suicide.
- Liberty And Justice For All ???
- Long Live The United States Of America !!!
- Look At This.
- Make America Great Again. Inspiration.
- Merry Christmas, America.
- Mifsud’s Phones Obtained By United States Of America Department Of Justice.
- Military Takeover May Be Required…
- More Coup Evidence.
- Mueller Investigation Concluded.
- Mueller Investigation: Why is the RNC being looked into and not the DNC ???
- Mueller’s Strange Statement.
- National Security Adviser Bolton Let Go.
- Never Amnesty.
- New Articles and Evidence.
- No Cooperation Without Due Process Rights.
- North Korea poses little threat to the United States.
- Not Trade War!!! Good WorkAround Strategy…
- Not Under Oath.
- Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also.
- Obama Administration Used Foreign Spy Agencies Also.
- ObamaGate Coverup is Beginning to Emerge.
- ObamaGate: United States republic in crisis.
- ObamaGate. The Democrats Worst Nightmare.
- Organized Crime, The Mob.
- Our Hearts Go Out To New York City.
- Patriotic songs for inspiration.
- Persons And Items Still Not Investigated ????
- Plot Against President Confirmed…
- Political Espionage Confirmed.
- Pray for Victims in Path of Hurricane Maria.
- Prepare For War !!! Defend Our President !!!
- Prepare The Military !! Protect The President !!
- President Trump And His Mission To Save USA.
- President Trump Found Guilty Of Being Innocent.
- President Trump Is Furious.
- President Trump Never Discloses His Strategy.
- President Trump Should File Lawsuits Against United States Government Agencies.
- President Trump Stops Strike.
- President Trump Visits Texas.
- President Trump VS New World Order.
- President Trump WAS ‘Wiretapped’.
- President Trump, Thank You.
- President Trump, The USA Stands With You.
- President Trump, We Want Justice, NOW!!!
- President Trump’s DC Swamp Battle.
- Presumed Guilty. United States in Jeopardy.
- Pride in America.
- Primitive Guns.
- Pro Trump Songs.
- Purge DOJ And FBI Of Corruption.
- Questioning The Executive Branch.
- Quid Pro Quo.
- Read The Law.
- Reasonable Doubt.
- Remember Our Soldiers, And American History.
- Remember. US Seeks Justice.
- Remembering 9-11-01.
- Remembering 9-11-01.
- Rights Of The Accused.
- Riots in Charlottesville Va.
- Safety Does NOT Equal Gun Control.
- Save The Evidence. Take Them Down.
- Should We Trust Obama Era Intelligence Officials?
- Sorry Mr President.
- Spies In The Whitehouse.
- Spirit of America
- Spying. The Story Is Bigger Than We Think.
- Still Many Questions.
- Stop Attacking Our President !!!
- Stop Stalling Senate Confirmations.
- Stop The Invasion.
- Support President Trump and “Make America Great Again”.
- Terrorists Still Exist. 9-11-01 Remember.
- Texas, God keep you safe.
- Thank You Mr. President.
- Thank you, President Trump.
- The Almighty God Is Saving The United States Of America.
- The American People President.
- The American People VS The Un-American People.
- The American Soldier
- The Battle for America.
- The Conspiracy Grows.
- The Coup Against A US President.
- The Coup Attempt.
- The Crazy, Evil Ones.
- The End Of A Party.
- The Fight To Save The United States of America.
- The Future Of The United States Of America.
- The Future of The United States of America.
- The Law and Illegal Immigration.
- The plot against President Trump.
- The Rich Can Move.
- The RULE OF LAW is gone in the United States of America.
- The Tides Of Change.
- The Truth Comes Forth. God Is Saving America.
- The Truth, And The Lies Of Inaction.
- The United States Is Our Home.
- The United States Needs Your Help To Battle Her Enemies.
- The United States of America. Proud American.
- Time To Declare War On Mexico???
- Treason.
- Truth Cometh, But Will Justice Follow ???
- Truth or Deceit? Which Do You Want America?
- Truth Vs Lie.
- Un-American Radical Democrats Have Still Not Been Charged ?
- United States Fails To Enforce Rule Of Law.
- United States Military Intelligence.
- United States Of America Experiencing The EndTimes.
- United States Systems Failures.
- United States-Ukraine Transcript.
- US Congress Is Denying Constitutional Rights.
- US Government Corruption.
- US House Of Representatives Is Violating The Law.
- US intelligence put forward false claims.
- US Needs Justice And Rule Of Law.
- US President Always Second-Guessed.
- USA : Battle of Good Vs Evil.
- Various Government Documents 1
- Various Government Documents 2
- Various Government Documents 3
- Various Government Documents 4
- Various Government Documents 5
- Various Government Documents 6
- Various Government Documents 7
- Veteran Intelligence Officials Were Ignored.
- Veterans Day 2018
- VOTE for God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Voting System Failures.
- War, Hate, and Violence.
- Was the Las Vegas Shooter a Former Spy?
- We Are NOT Idiots !!!
- We Feel Sorry, for America.
- We Fight For Freedom.
- We Now Have A President Of The United States Of America.
- We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh.
- We Thank God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Welcome to US Future News
- Whistle-Blower Complaint.
- World News
- A Time Of Great Trouble.
- Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is now Dead.
- Act Of War By Iran/Persia.
- Agreement Reached With Mexico To Avoid Tariffs.
- All Your Technology Is Nothing.
- Allah Vs Yahweh. The God Of Abraham Has Many Names.
- Are You Worthy???
- Blessed By God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Can You Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven ???
- Can You Recognize EVIL ???
- Chemical Weapons Will Not Be Allowed.
- Climate Change Does Not Explain Global Changes.
- Congratulations To All. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless The PeaceMakers.
- Dark Ages Are Here.
- EVIL Globalists.
- Evil Is Becoming Desperate.
- EVIL Leaders And Their Followers.
- Evil Ones Pushing Their Lies.
- EVIL Wants To Enslave US.
- Faster Than Light Is Possible.
- God Help America Save The World.
- God Is Great !!!
- God vs Devil.
- God-Allah-Yahweh Is Preparing US.
- God-Allah-Yahweh Show US The Righteous Path.
- God/Allah/Yahweh Is Watching.
- God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Guilty As Charged.
- Heaven And Hell. Are Real.
- Humanity, Earth, And A Great Experiment.
- I Serve God/Allah/Yahweh.
- In God We Trust.
- Iran Is Fulfilling The Prophecies.
- Iran Makes Threats.
- ISIS Caliphate Leader Dead.
- Judgement Is Now In Progress.
- Message To The World.
- News Articles 10-1-19.
- News Articles 10-11-19.
- News Articles 10-27-19.
- News Articles 10-31-19.
- News Articles 10-7-19.
- News Articles 11-3-19.
- News Articles 11-5-19.
- News Articles 11-6-19.
- News Articles 9-30-19
- North Korea Should Worry.
- North Korea, The Land of Idiots.
- Obey God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Obey The Laws, USA And God/Allah/Yahweh.
- Perception and Intelligence Needed.
- Prepare Your Defense.
- President Trump Arrives In South Korea.
- President Trump’s United Nations Speech.
- Prince of the Religions.
- Recent News 10-20-18.
- Recent News 10-24-19.
- Recent News 8-26-19
- Reflect On God-Allah-Yahweh.
- Religious War.
- Reports of UFO in the Past.
- Should We Destroy You?
- Syria Demanded US Troops To Leave.
- Syria Withdrawal.
- Syria-Turkey Conflict.
- Thank God-Allah-Yahweh.
- The Advancement Of Humanity.
- The Army Of EVIL.
- The Battle Continues…
- The BIG Picture.
- The EndTimes Approach.
- The EVIL In The World.
- The Immortal God, The God Of Abraham.
- The Issues Today.
- The Light Conquers Darkness.
- The Power Of God.
- The Prince Of Heaven.
- The Righteous Army Of The Light.
- The Righteous VS The Evil.
- The Threats of North Korea.
- The World Is Heading To WAR.
- The World Needs A New Direction.
- There Is Only One.
- This is NOT Climate Change.
- Truth, Evil’s Greatest Enemy.
- Turkey/Syria Ceasefire?
- Turn Away From EVIL.
- United States And North Korea Summit.
- USA and North Korea Prepare for Summit.
- USA-North Korea, Status?
- War Between Good and Evil.
- War In Heaven.
- Weakening Magnetic Field Creates The Climate Changes Observed.
- What Alien Technology We Have.
- Your World Shall Change.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. Remember God-Allah-Yahweh Shall Judge You.