The Battle Against EVIL. Many of you, think you are Righteous and GOOD, but due to your own Ignorance, you have become Unrighteous and EVIL.
Have you kept the Commandments-Laws of God-Allah-Yahweh?

The Devil-Satan-Serpent wants you to fail, and uses all his influence against your weaknesses. The Lies and Deceptions by him have always been to make you fail and be unworthy of Heaven. EVIL and their followers spread SIN and Inequity, using IGNORANCE, as their greatest weapon. Many of you have failed to learn to read and write, which makes you believe what those who claim to be more educated, tell you is true. I would advise you to learn to read and write, so you do not fall into EVIL ways so easily. Next is math and science, which teaches us to understand the world around us, but there is also fault that can be placed intentionally or unintentionally into the way we are taught. One example is Einstein’s relativity equations, which are based on observation, and therefore restrict the fastest speed to that of light. If you analyze star travel, you know that the distance between stars does not change due just because an object is traveling between them, yet it is said to shorten for those traveling in the object. Do the math and see for yourself. Faster than light is possible without the object reaching light, yet light itself takes longer to travel? Another example is climate change is due to human activity. The magnetic poles are shifting, and the surface of the earth has already shifted slightly. You will note that the sun and moon are rising and setting far from the east and west of the past millennia. You will also note the increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity. Science and math when used properly will allow you to know the truth and prepare, instead of making false assumptions and decisions based on them. The Truth is to be sought all the time, and we must always be aware the Devil-Satan-Serpent wants to deceive us, to make us do wrong and prove we are unworthy of Heaven. These are basic truths that many of you have failed to develop and use, to battle the EVIL that always wants to destroy us.
Stop being Ignorant and Primitive, because God-Allah-Yahweh does NOT accept and/or reward such uncivilized and EVIL behavior. Many of you believe that your actions are NOT EVIL and that there is no God-Allah-Yahweh or Heaven, to hold you accountable. You think to conquer and subjugate those you believe who are less and weaker than you. You are nothing but an Animal if you believe this. You think with a little knowledge and technology that you are the ruler of the world.
What would you do if you had a small spacecraft like this?

One of these crafts is capable of conquering this entire world. Imagine a fleet of them? Imagine a mothership with more space inside it than the entire Earth? Have I made myself clear?
If God-Allah-Yahweh chooses to destroy an individual, group, city, country, or the entire world, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop him. He is millions of years if not billions of years ahead of us. This is just a matter of facts, and everything God-Allah-Yahweh has done so far is incredible. Humanity has flourished in population to nearly 8 billion individuals, and the Earth can not sustain much more population growth without expansion to other worlds. The great harvest is about to occur, and I prepare the way.
God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.