Stop Attacking The Believers. God-Allah-Yahweh gave you his commandments, yet many of you have never found the path of righteousness, because you have failed to study the other religions created by him. You think your religious leaders are teaching you the ‘One True Religion’ but there is no ‘One True Religion’. God-Allah-Yahweh has many names and the one fact that never changes, that he is the ‘Ruler Of Heaven’ and the ‘Immortal Living God’.

The Truth, is God-Allah-Yahweh has sent many Prophets and Teachers, and that each taught in the way necessary, to create a stable civilized society, and to play their part in God-Allah-Yahweh’s overall plan. Over the years, you have been visited by Teachers-Princes-Spirits-Judges, that represent the 7 stars, the 7 flames, the 7 seals, the 7 horns, the 7 Buddhas, the 7 ministries, the 7 princes, and possibly even more. Do your research and learn from all sources, for God-Allah-Yahweh wanted you to learn from all 7.

Stop attacking the believers. All believers must begin with one of the 7 sources, and progress forward to learn the other 6 remaining. No one Religion is Complete, and this should be accepted. God-Allah-Yahweh said that worshiping false Gods was a sin. Making images that represent Gods that do NOT exist or have any influence or power are the ones that God-Allah-Yahweh spoke of. The Believers are many and should strive to move in the Teachings of all of them. Attacking the Believers of other Religions that God-Allah-Yahweh has created, is unacceptable, and you shall be held accountable for your actions against them. The Radical Extremists of all the Religions are in the Wrong, and shall be held at Judgement Day. God-Allah-Yahweh treats all of us as Children, because we are so young and often fail to follow the Path of the Righteous. You have forgotten what is GOOD, and what is EVIL. You have fallen prey to the LIES and DECEPTIONS of Satan and his followers. You are failing the TEST, and making your entry into Heaven impossible. You shall only receive the Fires of Hell and punishment for your EVIL acts. Stop attacking the believers, and progress forward in the ways God-Allah-Yahweh and Righteousness.

God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers. God-Allah-Yahweh Teach Your Children Tolerance And How To Advance To Become Citizens Of The Kingdom Of Heaven.

Learn from each other and progress to the Stars and Heaven using knowledge and understanding, and working together in a civilized manner. Teach each other how to battle EVIL within yourselves and how to battle EVIL that seeks to lead you away from God-Allah-Yahweh and the Kingdom of Heaven and the Promised Rewards. May God-Allah-Yahweh Help You Find Righteousness And Good Deeds Before It Is Too Late.