Michael, A Prince Of Heaven. Prophecy is now coming true. We are in the EndTimes. When I was 7 years old, I was taken from my home, and brought to a craft that was resting by the river near my home. I have no memory of what the occupants or the craft look like. I was seated near a window, and the craft rose til I was looking at the globe of the Earth. I was told that I was a Prince, and to find my way back. I was imprinted with a path that my life would take. I remember walking back home on the street, but I do not remember entering my home or returning to bed. From that day forward I was obsessed with star travel and developing myself into a Prince. I told no one that I was a Prince, but I began learning everything that I could. I have always been considered a freak and nerd. I have always been different, but at least I was allowed a somewhat normal life.

Shortly after that first encounter I was given a vision one night in the room I shared with my brother and grandmother. I woke up and looked at the foot of my bed, and I saw a young man with glasses, long hair, jeans and jean jacket, and he was carrying many books in his arms, and he had a pained look on his face. He started walking towards me and I screamed. He disappeared and my family came rushing to me. I was told by my parents that it was just a nightmare. My mother lit the candle at the Virgin Mary stature and rocked me until I was calm enough to sleep again. I have always remembered that event, but I did not understand it until 10 years later. I looked into the mirror at 17 and realized that they had shown me myself in the future.

When I was 8-9 and playing in the park with toy binoculars I saw a gold bullet with 4 antennas traveling in the sky slowly moving east. Being young I assumed it was just a satellite. Years later I realized that satellites are much smaller and would burn up like an asteroid.

I was always reading about rockets, UFOs, Aliens, science fiction, NASA, science, math, telescopes, microscopes, and many other strange subjects for a young boy. I was unable to participate in sports due to breathing problems. My first time in a hospital was 6 months old. I later grew out of it at 18 and became a US Marine at 19.
When I was 14-15 I was walking our dog in the park, and saw a dash of light in the distant sky going up and down, and then side to side, and repeating. I know that it was a real craft due to fighter jets and bombers from the nearby airbase went after it. When they reached the area it was in, it shot straight up and was gone, and then the fighters and bombers returned to the airbase.

When I was in junior high school I bought nuclear physics books from the main library book sale and was studying those. Public schools in my days did not double promote or advance gifted individuals. I had to see counselors in junior high and high schools because they were worried about how I was being picked on by other students and wanted to make sure that I would not snap. Many times teachers would apologize to me for not being able to teach me at my speed. When I went into the US Marines I was an air traffic control communications technician. I also cross trained in navigation equipment, and was cross training in radar equipment when I left. I was in the US Marines for 4 years, and strangely, we had no major operations, only training operations.
My first full time job was building 17 ton magnets for Los Alamos laboratories for proton containment. The company was also making the magnetic x-ray, known as the MRI today. I was laid off because the magnets were finished(11 of them), and the magnetic x-ray was having problems still. I then went to work at a cryogenics company where I ended working on the large units testing. I left that company when an opening came up to build 4-7 ton magnets at another company. I then went into the US Marines. After the US Marines I went into time equipment service repair and fire alarm training. We then had a recession and I worked with my father doing flooring, carpet and tile mostly. After that I went into fire alarms and sprinklers. Then I went into fire, security, and access control. Then I went into security and locksmithing. Now I am on my own and still have not gotten anywhere. It makes no sense.
When I was in high school I knew the speed of light could be surpassed and proved it using relativity. I also suspected that a generator could be powered by a motor and create more electricity than it uses. When I was 23 I came out with the photon coil. I tried to teach humanity the new technology but you failed to understand it, or were kept from understanding it. It was then that I began studying religion and found out that I was in the prophecies. I have been waiting for the EndTimes since then. The Sun and Moon shifting was the final sign.

I have been analyzing this world, its people, its history, its development, and its future. I have concluded that anyone in the United States has access to enough information to advance themselves and progress forward in technological development if they only wanted to. I have also concluded that there are two parallel paths that must be followed to enter Heaven. Religion and Science.
I was appointed to my position at age 7. I have lived on Earth and suffered at your ignorance and stupidity. I have had to advance myself mentally, while being kept poor and living in poverty. I have been trying to teach you for almost thirty years now. My faith has kept me going and I created these websites to bring you my enlightenment, in hopes of saving as many of you as possible. Satan-Devil-Lucifer says to God-Allah-Yahweh that you are unworthy to be called an intelligent creation, and that you are not capable or worthy of entering Heaven. I have lived among you, and some of you are very good people. Many of you are misguided though, because you believe in the lies and deceptions that are being fed to you constantly. Heaven is NOT entered in death or spirit. At Judgement Day, if your life is over, your recorded soul will be judged, and if you are worthy of Heaven, your Body and Life will be restored. If you are deemed unworthy, I believe, your recorded soul will be placed in a system called Hell, where you will be tormented and tortured, in the manner that you treated your fellow humans, and you shall remain there until God-Allah-Yahweh decides to have mercy, and shut down the system. I want you to advance and make yourselves worthy. Forgiveness is possible while you still live, but it must be sincere and lasting, and you must strive for righteousness, and become Righteous. God-Allah-Yahweh Bless And Protect The Righteous, And Curse And Confuse The EVIL And Their Followers.

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